Lys Solimine

As a seeker of truth and freedom, my journey toward discovering these mysteries has led me within. Your truth lies deep within you, and your freedom is released when you surrender to that truth. My art is an expression of this, as it is liberated from within me and onto the canvas. The paint guides my hand as my hand guides the brush down unexpected paths, past old limits, and up to inspiring heights that speak from my soul. I hope my art inspires you to find your truth, embody it, and in return, find freedom. 

Connect with heart. Connect with soul. Connect with art.

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About the Artist

With mud on her shoes and grass stains on her knees, Lys loved to come in from a hard day of exploring outside to enjoy a quiet moment with her sister, coloring Disney characters or molding Play Doh at the marble kitchen table. With a winning prize under her belt at age two for a coloring contest, Lys’s artistic adventure began early and continued to develop as she did. Frequently winning ribbons at her yearly high-school art shows and excelling in advanced placement art classes, it was clear that Lys had talent and drive. Her art helped her feel alive. It was a true expression of her soul, when it otherwise felt so hard to be herself.

Lys studied Interior Design at Endicott College on the beautiful north shore of Massachusetts, just a couple hours from her home town in the farmlands of central Massachusetts. Her studies brought her to Florence, Italy for a semester, where her life was completely changed. Being immersed in such rich and historical culture opened her eyes to new ways of living, being, and thinking. Florence set a fire in her heart that to this day burns brighter and brighter with the passion for freedom. Upon her return, she continued to master the principles of design in her final year and graduated cum laude with honors. She then set afoot into the design world, honing her skills and applying these principles to larger than life homes. 

A need for new scenery and adventure brought Lys to San Diego, Ca in 2012 where she continued to refine her style and taste as she was exposed to the polished elegance of the homes she was designing. After 13 years in the industry an exploration into self discovery in her early 30s led Lys back to her soul’s truth and eternal freedom: painting. After a long and arduous journey through her own mind, body, and spirit, she found that all paths led her back to her roots, her home, her art. There is a deep knowing that this is her calling and that surrendering to art ultimately sets her free. 

Lys’s previous mastery of design supports her art through her sophisticated color palettes, profound depth, and alluring compositions. Her passion and everlasting desire for freedom and truth guide her process. Lys allows the paint to build the foundation on the canvas as she navigates through beginning layers of inks and acrylics. She lets her heart’s voice sing through intuitive mark making. And finally, she captures the essence of her spirit as she refines the beautiful chaos her soul has created. A true journey in itself, with unexpected twists and turns, Lys wouldn’t have it any other way.

Lys continues to create in her studio in Carlsbad, Ca. where she lives with her husband and two cats. She is expecting her first baby in June and cannot wait to share her world of art with her son. Lys continues to be inspired by the dramatic contrast of beautiful, bright light against deep shadow and the way it moves and changes with the wind and clouds, reminding her to always shine her light bright, even amidst the shadows, the winds of change, and life’s passing rain clouds.